Let me first share my experience with sales calls before highlighting what you should or should not do as a business owner.
Firstly, I failed miserably at the start! In my early days as a Sales Manager my initial calls to potential clients were horrible. It’s ok if you understand that this maybe you too. What I can say is please do not permanently live there. Your business bottom line depends on you.
So how can you improve? What worked for me was listening to myself. And boy did I ramble on and on. Secondly, I referred to a checklist of what a ‘killer sales call’ would look like. Here are two things that I noted on that checklist:
- How am I building trust or demonstrating confidence via my voice?
- What questions was I asking that would lead to the client’s bigger need?
After I listened to myself, built ‘a killer sales call’ checklist; I decided practice, practice, practice. If you are a solopreneur, grab your spouse, friend or accountability partner and pretend you are are calling an interested client. If you are a medium sized business owner, check on your sales reps reports and even listen in on a few calls.
If you are interested in building a ‘killer sales call’ checklist please connect with us via a free 15 minute consultation. You can book one via [email protected] today.