Is a Sales Career right for you?

The Wrong Perception

Almost a decade ago, I always felt opting for sales as a career would have meant that you were an extrovert with immense persuasion, swag and somewhat of a unicorn (a rare find if you were super good). And at one point I said ‘no way’ that’s not me….NEXT!

My Experience

I was so wrong; an Associate Sales Director saw me in the hallway of one of my past workplaces and said, ‘you have what it takes to be an excellent Sales Manager.’ He subsequently took his evenings after the 9-5 hustle and mentored me. I always wondered what he saw. Now I understand and if he were alive today, we would both have had a snicker at life’s irony!

The Top Three 

So, you are job hunting and still wondering is Sales for me? Here are the top (3) things that I have considered or done in my sales journey that might help you:

  1. You are not (too fazed) by curve balls. Sales will test you, seriously it will. Are you the type that will brush off rejection, make a mistake and press forward or be unrelenting at reaching a goal?
  2. Do you have a deep desire to help people? Sales is all about solving problems.
  3. Are you self-aware? You are probably saying ‘huh?’. Yes, I have learnt if you know who you are and how to manage yourself well, you are setting your self up well for success.


Is it easy for persons to get to know you? Like you or trust you? How?

Technical Skills Matter?

Additionally, in your job hunting state of mind you might be saying why are no technical skills listed? The truth is when I started my sales career, I learnt from modelling from the best and taking those snippets from my mentor sessions. What added value over time were training sessions and my own interest in my personal development.

Don’t be afraid to consider sales as a career.

Hope this has helped!