Humanizing Your Brand (with Social Media)

Have you ever said any of the following as a businessowner when speaking about using social media?

  1. I do not have the time to focus on consistently creating or curating content!
  2. What do I post?
  3. We are going through a crisis; my customers might resent what I post at this time.

Bad Habits

I have also said same for my business and was very inconsistent with my use of social media. However, in January I pledged to do better as I was not ‘walking the talk.’ I was advising on using social media as an engagement tool and effective staple in brand building but not doing same!

Fast forward to today; more and more I have recognized that businessowners also miss the opportunity to humanize their brand via social media. What does this mean? Social media platforms are not an opportunity to just post a ‘pretty picture’, please let us move away from that conversation. Let us see it as an opportunity to engage, connect and convert!

Check out the snippet below of the IG Live Interview ; a follow up from the webinar ‘Our Tourism Future’. You can also check out Bridgett Leslie’s YouTube channel (People and Country) for the replay!


Secret Bay, Dominica Example

Additionally, as I mentioned before, see it as an opportunity to humanize your brand. People do not do business with a company; they do business with people.

Therefore, social media provides you with an opportunity to show the faces, names, and stories to the brand. Recently, I looked at Secret Bay IGTV channel (Instagram TV), and loved how the eco styled resort in Dominica connected with their followers as the Guest Services Manager demonstrated how to make the local cocoa tea. The cocoa tea bars are also a welcome token at the boutique resort and from the viewers responses I saw there was an emotional connection.

People Do Business With People!

Similarly, having been invited to go live on Instagram further to one of the recent hosted webinars, I felt a tad uncomfortable. Then I reminded myself that I had value in what I had to say to the small and medium hospitality and tourism businessowners most impacted by the current crisis. It felt relatable.

The Instagram Live interview reminded me of why we should love what we do as business owners and it reminded me of one of my favourite quotes “people will do business with people that they know, like, trust and value.”

Find Out More

Want to learn how to humanize your brand with the use of social media? Ask more via email [email protected]