The simple sales truth is you may not close that great piece of business until after your fifth or eighth interaction ( which includes calls, emails, face to face meetings, zoom meetings etc.) with your prospect.
There are some business owners based on their network and excellent referral rate are able to close after just two interactions with their prospect. This is however dependent on such factors as:
- Timing
- Prospect’s ability to buy
- Prospect’s readiness to buy
- Prospect’s problem or severity of need
In my experience, especially for small business owners and sales representatives; almost 48% abandon follow up with their prospect after the very first call! Here are some reasons for this:
- Fear of not closing
- Too busy with other aspects of the business
- Too time consuming
- Uncomfortable with asking for the business.
What can you do to overcome these hurdles?
- Be patient and be persistent
- Block off at least 1 hour daily in your calendar for those calls, emails or meetings with your prospect
- Contact Consulting Services by King and Associates Limited to assist via [email protected]
Be sure to let us know your thoughts on this topic.