(3) Things to do for your business as you launch 2021
Without a doubt 2020 has proven to be a difficult year for our businesses (for some, there has been exponential growth). What comes to mind as you prepare to usher in a new year?
Every year, without fail I tend to reflect and ask; ‘what did I do great this year?’, ‘how do I need to improve for next year?’ and ‘what can I completely leave behind?’. That simple exercise as a businessowner or entrepreneur is worth the time. Simply because your actions (not resolutions) are going to help you focus your energy and get the business on a sustainable path.
What did you do great this year?
I used the discomfort and uncertainty to focus my energy on the right tools and expertise for the business. Additionally, I did more customer outreach than I have ever done in the last 1 ½ years of operation which led to successful workshops and new business relationships. Personally, I also got to spend more quality time connecting with loved ones and friends online.
How do I need to improve for 2021?
In Trinidad and Tobago, the projections have shown a contraction in the economy and based on your business and who you serve; you may want to pay close attention. I have however seen the opportunity in this uncertain situation and would recommend that you continue to adjust accordingly. What do I mean? After April 2020, I realized that clients had specific needs that were not part of my core business and formed a big chunk of their requests. Therefore in 2021, it means further sharpening this skillset to deliver more value to the changing and new needs of my customers.
What can I completely leave behind?
The rule book and the fear of the unknown. For some reason, in businesses we continue the proliferation of processes that undermine our efficiency. Why? Simply because in the past we have always done it this way. Please, please, stop this. You are sabotaging your success! Moreover, this period has shown me that I can toss out the rule book on what my business ought to look like and do to serve service-based businesses well. I tossed it all the way to the Atlantic 😊 Use 2021 to reinvent your business based on your clients needs versus what is the industry expectation of you.
And off course, finally, you have made it this far so there is hope even in the greatest trials!
Celebrating 2021
Interested in preparing and celebrating successes in 2021? Then, let us get clear on your sales strategy, sales training, social media and email marketing goals and customer relationship management system installations. Send an email to book a free diagnostic for any of these in 2021.