Social Media and the need to have a consistent presence can be tiresome for a few Entrepreneurs and Businessowners. The truth is you should not feel pressured to be seen on every social media site!
Not every social media site is a good fit for your business. For some, the latest social media fads like Tik Tok and Clubhouse may seem like the place to be, however, getting to really know your ideal customer and which sites/platforms they engage with is an excellent starting point.
Most entrepreneurs and businessowners opt to be on social media because they want to increase their popularity and awareness. Consulting Services by King and Associates Limited recommends that you understand the ‘why’ instead of having several social media accounts ‘just because’. What are you hoping to achieve? Brand awareness, sales and lead generation, community engagement and customer support are a few goals that you may consider.
Above all, utterly understanding your ideal customer is also paramount to your success on social media. Who really are you engaging with and is hoping will buy from you? Do you understand their lifestyle, their social media habits, interests, and behaviours? Over the last year, how has your ideal customer changed? For example, are they now buying directly from IG accounts and apps with a need for greater contactless interactions?
So, which social media site is a good fit for your business? Be sure you do the research and understand the pros and cons of each and the value that it can offer your business. For example, Facebook is the most used social media platform with over 2.79 billion global users (Social Sprout 2021) and 11 million active users in the Caribbean (internetworldstats.com). Additionally, Facebook users tend to spend a minimum of 34 minutes per day using the platform (Hootsuite Digital Blog). Having such key information helps to inform your social media strategy. And yes, you do need a strategy!
If you have not started or started with social media for your business and need additional support, we will love to hear from you! Book a free diagnostic call or simply send a quick email and ask how CSBKAL can be of service to you today.